
Check this page periodically to view the latest announcements of upcoming online meetings and in-person events in your area. We will also post significant articles, policies, and other documents here for your reference.

The next Members Only meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 25, 6:30pm CST. You should receive a teams invite to your personal prior to this date. If you are a dues paying member and have not received your notice by September 24, 2024, please email us at [email protected].

In October 2023, members approved the Constitution and By Laws for Local 4200. Both documents are linked below for your reference.

Download our LOCAL 4200 Special Edition Newsletter, 2nd Quarter , “The 4200 BUZZ” below for important information on current events. Stay tuned for another Special Edition Newsletter coming Mid-Late June, regarding our most requested topic, TELEWORK and REMOTE WORK.

Negotiated Agreements

Go to the “Negotiated Agreements” Tab on this website to see the final negotiated agreements, memorandums of understanding (MOUs).

This is your union! We need your input!   If you have input to any of the articles “in progress” on the “Negotiated Agreements” page, please reach out to us and send your personal phone number and personal email to [email protected]