Meet Your Officers

Our Local Officers manage the internal operation of the Local to the benefit of the members which includes finances, administration, and enforcing and implementing AFGE policies and procedures, planning, recruiting, etc.  Also, the officers participate in negotiations with the agency (i.e. Demand to Bargain (DTB), and Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs)). 
Union stewards help union members to resolve workplace issues, grievances, provide information about rights, benefits, provide training, mentoring, guidance, and participate in negotiations for better working conditions and outcomes for members.
Lorrie Gardley; President
Teresa Rabon Executive VP
Diana Tato; Local VP
Falls Church
Paulette Charles, Secretary
Jodi Engler; Treasurer

Trish Gray; Local VP San Antonio
Wendy Ormand
CherylAnn Kraft
Eva Boggs
Joseph Boisley
How about YOU!