The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) was formed in 1932. It is the largest federal employee union in the United States, representing over 700,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Our national headquarters is located in Washington, DC. We are organized into 12 geographic districts with over 1100 local unions. Agencies with the highest concentration of union membership include the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Social Security Administration, and the Department of Justice. Our members are nurses, correctional officers, doctors, Social Security professionals, TSA agents, law enforcement officers, park rangers, and so much more. Together, we fight for dignity, safety, respect and fairness on the job so government can more effectively serve the American people.

In May of 2022, YOU, DHA employees, elected AFGE to be your sole representation for Bargaining Unit Employees (BUE’s). We are AFGE Local 4200 and we are the newest DHA AFGE Local and we support all DHA HQ BUE’s. AFGE is here to support your needs and uphold your rights. Unfortunately, some of you, who were previously LiUNA dues paying members, are still paying dues to LiUNA through payroll deduction. If you are still paying dues to LiUNA  then you ARE NOT a member of AFGE and not eligible for all the privileges and opportunities that the AFGE membership affords you. If you were a member of LiUNA and have not filled out a form 1188 to STOP your LiUNA dues deduction, then you still may be paying into a Union that does not represent you. If you have questions on how to stop those dues so that you can join AFGE, then email us at [email protected].

The more members we have , the stronger our voice. Our strength comes when we have the courage to stand together with a united front.

Your AFGE Local 4200 Officers